TheOracle Technology Network License Agreementfor Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK 8 licenses. This license permits certainuses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost -- but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDKlicenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using this product.FAQs are availablehere.
Oracle Java Jre 1.7 X 7 X 64 Bit Download
These downloads can be used for development, personal use, or to run Oracle licensed products. Use for otherpurposes, including production or commercial use, requires a Java SE subscription or another Oracle license.
Thank you for downloading this release of the JavaTM Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDKTM). The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language.
Do you want to run Java programs, do you want to develop Javaprograms, or do you want a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on a server? If you want to run Java programs, but not develop them,download the JRE. If you want todevelop Java applications, download the Java Development Kit, orJDK. The JDK includes the JRE, so you do not have to download bothseparately. If you need the JRE on a server and do not want the ability to run RIAs, download the Java SE Server JRE. This version of the Java SE Server JRE does not include the Java plug-in or Java Web Start support, additional tools might be removed from future versions.
When you download the Java Development Kit (JDK), the associated Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed at the same time. The JavaFX SDK and Runtime are also installed and integrated into the standard JDK directory structure.
You can determine which version of the JDK is the default bytyping java -version in a Terminalwindow. If the installed version is 7u6, you will see a string thatincludes the text 1.7.0_06. For example:
If you save the self-installing executable file to disk without running it from the download page at the web site, note that its byte size provided on the download page. After the download has completed, verify that you have downloaded the full, uncorrupted software file.
The file jdk-7-windows-i586-i.exe is the JDK installer for 32-bit systems. The file jdk-7-windows-x64.exe is the JDK installer for 64-bit systems. If you downloaded either file instead of running it directly from the web site, double-click the installer's icon. Then, follow the instructions the installer provides. The installer may ask you to reboot your computer. When finished with the installation, you can delete the downloaded file to recover disk space.
You can run the JDK without setting the PATH environment variable, or you can optionally set it so that you can conveniently run the JDK executable files (javac.exe, java.exe, javadoc.exe, and so forth) from any directory without having to type the full path of the command. If you do not set the PATH variable, you need to specify the full path to the executable file every time you run it, such as:
If you see the error message \"corrupt cabinet file,\" then the file you have downloaded is corrupted. Check the file size against the expected file size listed in these instructions. If sizes do not match, try downloading the bundle again. (A cabinet file contains compressed application, data, resource, and DLL files.)
Installing the JDK also installs a private JRE and optionally a public copy. The private JRE is required to run the tools included with the JDK. It has no registry settings and is contained entirely in a jre directory (typically at C:\\Program Files\\jdk1.7.0\\jre) whose location is known only to the JDK.On the other hand, the public JRE can be used by other Java applications,is contained outside the JDK (typically at C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.7.0),is registered with the Windows registry (at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft),can be removed using Add/Remove Programs,might be registered with browsers,and might have the java.exe file copied to the Windows system directory (which would make it the default system Java platform).
In Microsoft Windows, when you create a new file in Microsoft Notepad and then save it for the first time, Notepad usually adds the .txt extension to the file name. Therefore, a file you name is saved as It is important to note that you cannot see the .txt extension unless you turn on the viewing of file extensions (in Microsoft Windows Explorer, unselect \"Hide file extensions for known file types\" under Folder Options). To prevent the .txt extension, enclose the file name in quotation marks, such as \"\", when typing it into the Save As dialog box.
For any text in this document that contains the following notation, you must substitute the appropriate update version number for the notation.For example, if you were downloading the Offline JRE Installer for 32-bit systems for update 1.7.0_01, the file name jre-7-windows-i586.exe would become jre-7u1-windows-i586.exe.
Click the JRE Download link for the installer you want to use. A dialog box opens. Depending on your browser, click Save or Save File to save the JRE installer without installing it. Verify that you have downloaded the entire file by comparing the size of the file you downloaded with the expected size shown on the download page. Alternatively, (depending on your browser) click Run or Open to run the JRE installer from your browser.
If you saved the JRE installer to your computer, run the installer by double-clicking it. Follow the instructions the installer provides. The installer notifies you if Java content is disabled in web browsers, and provides instructions for enabling it. If you previously chose to hide some of the security prompts for applets and Java Web Start applications, the installer provides an option for restoring the prompts. When you are finished with the installation, you can delete the downloaded file to recover disk space.
If you have a previous version of Java Web Start, do not uninstall it. Uninstalling it will cause the download cache to be cleared, and all previously installed Java Web Start application data will have to be downloaded again. This new version will write over previous installations and automatically update browsers to use this new version. The configuration files and the program files folder used by Java Web Start have changed, but all your settings will remain intact after the upgrade because Java Web Start will translate your settings to the new form.
To avoid seeing this misleading message, either press F5 or close and reopen the dialog box. Any Java Web Start application that was downloaded and cached with the JDK or JRE will no longer appear in the list of currently installed programs.
$ java -versionopenjdk version \"11.0.11\" 2021-04-20 LTSOpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS, mixed mode)
$ zulu8.52.0.23-ca-jdk8.0.282-solaris/bin/java -versionopenjdk version \"1.8.0_282\"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 1.8.0_282-b08)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.282-b08, mixed mode)
On a 64-bit system, you can download either the 64-bit or the32-bit version of the Java platform. However, if you are using a32-bit browser and you want to use the plugin, then you need toinstall the 32-bit version of the Java platform. To determine whichversion of Firefox you are running, launch the application, andselect the menu item Help -> About MozillaFirefox. At the bottom of the window is a version stringline that contains either \"Linux i686\" (32-bit) or\"Linux x86_64\" (64-bit). To setup the Java plugin, seeManual Installation andRegistration of Java Plugin for Linux.
1. Download the file. Before the file can bedownloaded, you must accept the license agreement. The archivebinary can be installed by anyone (not only root users), in anylocation that you can write to. However, only the root user caninstall the JDK into the system location.
To install java I have always used the classic way from the terminal.I would like to install java manually.I placed the folder of the JDK on the desk and I set environment variables (PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME).From the terminal, if I type java -version I get printed
This answer used to describe how to install Oracle Java 7. This no longer works since Oracle end-of-lifed Java 7 and put the binary downloads for versions with security patches behind a paywall. Also, OpenJDK has grown up and is a more viable alternative nowadays.
Due to Oracle (Sun) licensing policies, Java JRE cannot be included in the repositories of openSUSE anymore. Here is a quick guide on how to install the newest and secure version.On the Oracle Java website two versions are available for downloading:
Determine what architecture you are running before downloading the package to your system. To be certain of your architecture, open a terminal by running the command (Alt+F2 in KDE): konsole or xterm
By removing the `icedtea-web` functionality, you also removed all file associations to OpenJDK from your desktop environment. This means that you will no longer be able to launch Java executables (other than applets) from a web browser or file manager. Installing the Oracle Java RPM does not restore these associations; you will need to re-add them manually. For instance, in KDE Plasma, you must launch System Settings, then activate the Default Applications applet and select File Associations. Use the search box to search for \"java\". For each relevant file type returned, you will